Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Short Reflection Poem (Feb 6, 2008)

A picture of me showing off my tan in the Okavango Delta in northern Botswana.

Should I take pride in my skin--the color of colonial rape?
I'd rather be Mos Def's Brown Skin Lady with Badu's fro the picture of pride of my naturally nappy grow.
I've studied the faces of people here, where homelessness doesn't present a fear.
Can you imagine a place where culture thrives, where people look forward to living nine lives?
Can you see rolling hills that tell of slave trade secrets?
Soils that have soaked up so many tears that it cries?
How can they embrace me here when I refuse the African in me there?
Have you ever looked at someone who worshiped your home?
Someone who dressed American, and said n**ger just to relate?

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